Coming to America

In this Episode: Kathryn and Faitth discuss the biblical imperative to care for immigrants, the history of American immigration policy, and advocacy for the least of these with Jenny Yang of World Relief.

Special Guest: Jenny Yang, Senior Vice President of Advocacy and Policy, World Relief

Jenny Yang provides oversight for all advocacy initiatives and policy positions at World Relief. She is co-author of Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion and Truth in the Immigration Debate, serves as Chair of the Refugee Council USA (RCUSA) Africa Work Group, and was named one of the “50 Women to Watch” by Christianity Today.

Link Love:

World Relief

We Welcome Refugees

Women of Welcome 

Black Alliance for Just Immigration

Evangelical Immigrational Table

Welcoming the Stranger: Justice, Compassion, and Truth in the Immigration Debate by Matt Soroens and Jenny Yang

Racial and Immigrant Justice with Dr. Walter Strickland 

The Black Face of Immigration by Billy Mzenga

Immigration: A Biblical Perspective

National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1−800−799−7233


Mirror, Mirror


Lowkey Best Friends (Part 2): Interracial Friendships